Women's Lodge Coming up on 3/29/2025
Women's Lodge Coming up on 3/29/2025
Please join our community for Weaving Unity's Healing Sweat Lodge Ceremony.
Our Sweat Lodge is dedicated to Oneness and our wholeness.
We create a ceremony based in Love (the only true healer),
Here we honor each person's presence, their process and spiritual beliefs.
It is our intention to create a safe and sacred space.
Our Lodge has been active for over 20 years.
More information in Weaving Unity Sweat Lodge FAQs below
Community Lodge Dates for 2025
1/18, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/17, 6/21, 7/12, 8/9, 9/6, 10/4, 11/22, 12/13, 12/31
Women's Lodge Dates for 2025
3/29, 6/7, 11/1
Kid's Intro to Lodge Date for 2025
All Lodges: Fire Ceremony at 9am
Late arrival by 11:30am
Please RSVP to Charlynn@weavingunity.com for space availability.
Contribution to Lodge is sliding scale of 50-70 dollars.
Your contribution holds your space for Lodge
and can be made to Charlynn Atiam at Venmo or Zelle.
Your support and contributions allow us to continue care and improvements of our Lodge Site and Weaving Unity Retreat Center. NO ONE is ever turned away for lack of funds but asked to offer work trade as exchange (in advance of lodge date).
Thank you for your generosity.
Each month we offer our Weaving Unity Sweat Lodge Ceremony. Our belief is that if you found your way to our Ceremony, it was Spirit that directed you. We are very community based and encourage participation at all levels. Most months are Community Lodges, where everyone is welcome, including older children who can be respectful of what is asked of them. We schedule Women's Sweat Lodges throughout the year for those women who prefer a more intimate women's gathering. This is a safe space for beginners to this ceremony as Charlynn honors where one is at. One can ask for the door to be opened during a round. Clothing is mandatory here, as we do not live in a culture where nudity is comfortable for everyone. We have created spiritual family here and invite you to be part of it.
Our monthly community event is our Weaving Unity Sweat Lodge. We are dedicated to creating a ceremony based in Love and a safe, sacred space where people may heal, be honored in their personal process, embody their wholeness, and purify mind, body, emotions, and spirit. We usually plan the dates of our Ceremonies on a weekend date closest to the new or full moon. Each Ceremony is followed with a community potluck meal of freshly prepared soup and salad bar (please email ahead to see what to bring). We ask for a contribution of $50-70 per person, which covers materials costs, upkeep of our ceremonial site, and the land. Charlynn has held this space since 1996 and has been leading our ceremony since 1999. She feels it is part of her Soul's calling to honor this ceremony in this way.
* Hydrate well the week before!
* Avoid alcohol or other conscious altering drugs, as the heat can create an uncomfortable detox process.
*Clothing is mandatory!
*Wear loose cotton or rayon.
*Men: shorts, t-shirt, sarong,
*Women: shorts/t-shirt, sarong,
loose dress.
NO bathing suits or exercise wear!
* Bring two towels
* Dry set of clothes to change into.
* Closed-toed shoes around the fire.
*High quality snacks to share; fruits, nuts, chips, salsa, sliced veggies.
* Light lunch if blood sugar
drops are in issue.
Plan for a full day with 9am Fire Ceremony (later arrival by noon).
Completion of Lodge and potluck usually by 6pm. Give this gift to yourself to fully be in ceremony.
Our rules of protocol are simple and we ask that you honor them.
* Be respectful for all life; including spiders, bugs, Charlynn's animals, etc.
* All that happens at our Ceremony stays at the Ceremony. Honor each person's personal process, we are here for healing.
* If you need assistance please ask, in honoring your process we do not wish to intrude or offer unsolicited advise.
* Coverings for the body are required.
* No bathing suits; cotton clothing is best.
* Honor our ceremony leader; she is holding the space to ensure the best for everyone. Please ask to leave the ceremony or speak out of turn.
We begin our Weaving Unity Sweat Lodge at 9am with our Fire Ceremony. Here we set our intentions, choose the stones for the Lodge, call in the directions, and start the fire. Everyone is invited to participate at all levels!
As the fire heats the stones we co-create the 'medicines' for each round; plant parts that we sprinkle on the hot stones, aromatherapy at its best!
At this time we also create our prayer ties; bundles of tobacco and colored cloth we string together that bring form to our inner prayers.
After the stones have heated we are ready to enter the Lodge. Usually there are four rounds, with breaks in-between. After we are complete with the Sweat Lodge one can shower at the site. We then retire to Sequoia Hall for the potluck meal.
It is recommended that you stay for the meal after the Ceremony so that you are fully grounded before driving our mountain roads.
We ask for a $50-70 sliding scale contribution for participation in our Weaving Unity Sweat Lodge.
We believe in the exchange of energy for what is offered and money is our current exchange.
NO ONE is ever turned away for lack of a contribution but is encouraged
to offer work trade on the land as exchange. Work trades are done during non-ceremony time so that our focus on ceremony days is community participation. One's contribution goes to cover ceremony material expenses, improvements to our Lodge and its site, and expenses on the land.
Any additional monies are accepted with great gratitude and spent on Lodge site improvements or other land needs. Work trades are welcome and there is always help needed to keep the land in good shape and fire safe. Thank you for your generosity!
By Appointment Only
20200 Big Basin Way, Boulder Creek, CA 95006
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